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The Cult Clinic
The Cult Clinic
Just like "ilm al-kalaam" in the early part of Islaam was a fatal poison that made anyone who delved into it lose their mind (aql) and enter into confusion and bewilderment, the "fikr" (ideology) of the 20th century that infected many so-called Islamic "thinkers" (like Sayyid Qutb, Mawdudi and Nabahani) is another poison that created a vile type of partisanship (hizbiyyah) and caused the minds and many to be dissolved. The result is a type of cultism where if a Hizb member is told that 2+2=4 (as in tyrannical rulers are a punishment from Allah upon the people for what their hands have earned, since the recompense for a deed is of its like [a universal principle in this creation] - see here, here, here, and here), they will insist that in their world 2+2=3 (we must remove the corrupt rulers by ideological and practical revolutions to enable social justice and this is the only solution to all the problems of the Muslims). In other words, even when the realities are made clear in plain black and white with unequivocal Sharee'ah texts [that there are certain fundamental and universal principles which govern the interaction between Allaah and His creation, and that these laws do not change, and that these are the true and real explanations behind why the Muslims are in the state that they are in], their loyalty to the Hizb or to al-Nabahani comes first and thus it is as if the misguided foundations upon which their entire party activity is based are better and more guided than what came from the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) in explanation of these matters. In this section we will look at many of their Cult Members and pass them through the Cult Clinic for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment.